Thursday, August 14, 2014

FL Studio 12 | What's To Come?

Recently I was asked about FL Studio 12 and its release date. Unfortunately it hasn't been announced yet, but I'm definitely keeping an eye out for it. For those that don't know, FL Studio 12 is being developed and currently being tested. The first FL Studio 12 Alpha-Preview was announced and available to download in April 15, 2014 for users with an Image-Line registration account. However, this was not the official beta version for FL Studio 12. A disclaimer was made saying...

"This is not a finished version of the program, it's not even a beta version of FL Studio 12. It's a pre-beta, still under construction, so it's likely to change significantly prior to release and projects made in it may not be compatible with the final version." - Image-Line

I'm excited! let me tell you why. For a long time now I've been wanting an update of FL Studio's mixer. Just recently I looked at the FL Studio 12 Alpha Victorial Mixer Preview on YouTube and that thing is a beauty. We're talking about a new slick design with dark greys, blacks and lime greens; not to mention the new chrome metallic faders. Improvements on its functionality have also been taken to account. FINALLY, it'll be easy as 1...2...3 to select multiple active faders and simultaneously attenuate audio signal. This being similar to making group channels in Pro Tools. The mixer just got a new 'Extra Wide' view mode that allows per-track FX to be displayed. Speaking of display and layout improvements, we will now have a better visual of our audio signal flow within each channel via virtual patch cables (similar to Reason). Many new features on the mixer are soon to come, but for the sake of keeping this short, that's all I have for today.  

That sorta wraps up this blog, but I'll leave you guys with links to more FL Studio 12 New Features and the Victorial Mixer Preview video on YouTube. Stay tune for my first beat-making video tutorial!!


  1. Although it took me until last week to find out FL meant "Fruity Loops," i'll be fine. Hahaha. I'm actually trying to learn how to produce using this program. Considering Chicago's own producer C-Sick used this as well. Is it easy?

  2. Hahah. I'm so used to calling it FL Studio, I forgot that some new users know it by its official name. To answer your question, it can be a daunting software for new users, but you get the hang of it as you progress throughout the years. The more you practice what you learn, the better you get. It took me approximately 3 maybe 4 years to actually feel confident enough to call myself an FL Studio semi-pro. But everyone learns at their own pace. Stick around, I'll be doing video tutorials real soon :)

  3. The user platform is a big deal and being able to see it and understand it easier speeds up workflow, so although I'm not familiar with FL Studios I'm curious to check it out and take it on a test drive.

    1. I would encourage you to try FL Studio; even if it's just the demo version. Let me know what you think about it.
