Saturday, July 26, 2014

FL Studio's New 64 Bit Beta Feature. This is BIG.

What's the big deal you may be asking...

"FINALLY!" No more getting held back by the 4GB cap in the 32 bit software realm. This is our break, our time to use our full potential." says music producer J-rum.

Has your production been held back by how much memory you can use and the amount of vsts/plugins you can load? Well let me tell you why this is big news to some producers and beat makers.

FL Studio has always made 64-bit plugins compatible with the software, but this new 64 bit beta is now allowing us to navigate in 64 bit operation. If you have been held back by how much memory and vst plugins you can actually use in large projects, but can't find why, it's because the older FL Studio versions could only max out at 4GB. Despite how powerful your computer performs, you would be disappointed to find out that it was still not enough, for whatever reason. Well now with this new feature added to Image-Line's latest version FL Studio 11, we can access up to 512GB of memory. This is huge for users like me who like to run a load of third party plugins (Komplete 9 Ultimate) into our everyday beat production sessions. There will no longer be a limit to our creativity. And even if you don't use many plugins all at once, know that you have 512GB of memory incase you'd like to try it out some day. Well that's my exciting news of the day, I hope this new feature works well for your music production workflow. Till next time!

Download link - 

1 comment:

  1. I will be looking forward to video of you actually demonstrating how you use FL Studio!
